Recent Comments

5/14/24, 1:25 AM
Daniel sure is a lucky guy, having someone like Josh, who loves him so much, he'd try to fight the whole world for him. I hope Matt ties them together so they can be happy with each other like they deserve.
May 13, 2024
5/13/24, 11:47 PM
Or some interesting twist of "infection" received by the fucking of the owner. The "first" time could all be a ruse.

5/14/24, 12:21 AM
@[zimdog](/user/show/934645) That would be a pretty compelling continuation, but as this is the second story with the protagonist, the emerging pattern is that the protagonist beats all opposition pretty easily, providing the readers with relatively surface-level smut. Which is fine, and reasonably hot, but doesn't really lend itself to twists.

5/14/24, 12:44 AM
@[anarchomegalomaniac](/user/show/907794) Missed the first one.....going back now. Perhaps he will "meet his match" at some point. Fall of an alpha type of story.
5/13/24, 9:59 PM
It's good that the book disappears immediately after one use. Thanks to this, no one can have absolute power over everyone, but only over a limited group of people.
5/13/24, 8:31 PM
Awesome hot story!

5/13/24, 8:32 PM
@[Cutlerfan](/user/show/14171) Thank you! I am glad you liked it!
5/13/24, 6:47 PM
Great story. Hope there’s more coming.
May 13, 2024
5/13/24, 4:48 PM
In this kind of story the club owner tends to be the "end boss" so with the club owner immediately conquered I'm guessing it's a one-off instead of a series since otherwise all that's left to deal with are the underlings..
May 12, 2024
5/13/24, 1:34 PM
So happy your back! Can't wait for this one
May 12, 2024
5/13/24, 5:12 AM
Oh this should be good. 🤤
5/9/24, 7:14 PM
I don't understand why Roy has to sell his body for the team. Why him and only him? Why does the team need money for someone's baby? A few plot points left unexplained. I know it's a fantasy but I'm curious.

5/11/24, 10:20 AM
@[Cutlerfan](/user/show/14171) Haha yeah, the plot is not that strong I admit... But he got her pregnant so it's like his way of paying back for the scandal/getting funds for the teams because of his actions... In my head it works. It's kind of explained at the beginning but you're right, I should make things clearer from now on

5/11/24, 1:47 PM
@[SoftBoiBuns](/user/show/10033233) That's fine. I was curious why he had to sell his body. Thanks.