Jun 14, 2024

### New Story Challenge: THE WRONG ROOMMATE The newest story challenge has opened for submissions! We can't wait to read what you come up with for the theme. What's *your* story about THE WRONG ROOMMATE? The deadline to submit is a month and a half from now, on the eve of Monday July 29th. Final results will be announced around two weeks after challenge submissions conclude, on the eve of Sunday August 11th. Be sure to click and check out [the challenge rules](/storyCampaign/show/10000013), too, for more details about how it all works! If you have additional questions, feel free to reach out via the site's forum and drop a question into the [Story Challenge "help desk" thread](https://forum.gaykinkystories.com/t/the-story-challenge-help-desk-thread-v2-0/6345). Let the challenge begin!